A Soulful Sacral Chakra (Sound Healing Audio)

The Sanskrit name for the sacral chakra means “dwelling place of the Self”. In Toltec, this is also the “seat of the soul” and the home of the dreamer. In Taoist teachings, this is the location of your dantien - the seat of your life force energy in the body.

Your sexual energy is tightly linked to your creative energy so when you work with this chakra, not only does it increase your creativity by connecting you to your soul self, but you also start to feel sexy, secure, and happy. It is through this energy of your sacral that you start to be able to access the wisdom of your unconscious mind (the dreamer - the soul - the true self). By balancing this chakra, you also enhance your ability to recall your Dreams as well as your ability to Lucid Dream. The dreamer is in Toltec “the real self” - the part of you that holds all the wisdom and all the knowledge of all there is and ever has been. 

So while a healthy sacral makes you feel sexy and unstoppable, on the opposite end, when this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, you may feel a lack of creativity or an inability to express your needs. You may feel a lack of desire and feel sexually suppressed. Dreams and creative flow have met a damn and are not able to be accessed.

With this audio, you can relax and enjoy 22 minutes of sound magic as you let your body attune to your soul self. 

You can listen to this recording whenever or however you feel guided, though I recommend listening to this recording at least once a day (ideally right before bed), for at least a week and notice your energy (and dreams) shift.

This audio is 22min. *D-Notes played on Smokey Quartz Crystal Bowls, resonating with your sacral chakra.


Crystal: Citrine / carnelian

*All Sales are final - no refunds

Please note, if you are in my Membership "The Alignment Portal", then you already have access to this Sound Healing. 

$7.00 USD